Saturday, March 20, 2010

Dear minister of education
The problem of childhood obesity in the United States has grown considerably in recent years. A high percentage of children are obese. They gain unhealthy weight from poor diet and a lack of exercise. As a result, becoming adults, children develop many diseases that causing deaths. In my opinion, there are many ways to help them, not only children are already overweight but every single child, in order to avoid facing obesity problem afterwards. Three reasons to support my opinion are: get rid of all of the junk food from the school’s cafeteria and replace them with all kinds of the healthy food, food education courses and add more psychical education classes to the students’ schedule.
The first way to help students to avoid obesity is to “force” them to eat healthy. As everyone knows the only place that students eat during school time is the cafeteria. By replacing every junk food with healthy staff, is like oblige them to eat healthy. I remember, when I was in high school, our cafeteria was full of junk food such as candies, chocolates, cookies and every kind of junk food. Not able to eat this kind of staff at home, because my parents were very strict about my diet, the only thing I was eating at school it was junk food; taking advantage of that my parents could not see me. Fortunately, because of my high metabolism and my mom’s punishments every time she was realizing that I ate junk food, I did not face any obesity problems. However, as my example; every child likes eating junk food and not everyone has high metabolism and strict parents, so they become overweight and face obesity problems from very early stages of life. If every school administration replaces the junk food with healthy food, it will be the first move to decrease the rate of childhood obesity.
Another way to help youth not to face obesity problems is to create some food education courses. Students, because of the very young of their age, are not mature enough to know about healthy food and how important it is. Obviously, without knowing what the consequences are; children pick what they would like to eat only from the taste and usually the tastier food is the junk food. By creating special courses in food education, can help students get informed what is really behind from the junk food, that they eat every day, and teach them how to eat healthy. For example, schools can hire nutritionists, who are specialist in food education, to teach nutrition classes and give special lectures and speeches, in order to get students in the right track about eating healthy. Moreover, nutritionists can teach student what problems an unhealthy diet can cause, how those problems affect their future life, and even more what are the benefits of eating healthy. However, most of the students have no idea of how to be healthy, and food education course will be very helpful for them to avoid getting overweight and face any obesity problem.
Although, students eat very unhealthy, they do not have enough time to exercise and burn all those calories they gain from the junk food. In nowadays, where education is very important, students spent a lot of time at school and when the school day finishes, they spent the rest of their time doing their homework. As I know, the mandatory physical education classes are only few hours a week and in my opinion not enough to cover all of the students physical needs. Consequently, students do not exercise enough at school and when the school finishes are busy doing their homework, so besides the few hours at school, they do not exercise at all. As a result, with a lack of exercise and the unhealthy diet many students become over weight and face obesity problems. By adding more physical education classes will help student stay healthy and in shape, avoiding any health problem in that young age. Furthermore, physical education classes will teach new ways of exercising, and help them with their future life, where losing weight and avoiding obesity becomes harder and harder. In addition, exercise will help them with their studies; in my country, Greece, an ancient quote says “healthy mind comes from a healthy body”. However, students need spend more time exercising because of health benefits, and the only way is to add more education classes at school.
To sum up, obesity is an enormous problem that threats everyone, even more children, who do not know anything about food education. Is in our hand to help those children not to suffer from chronic diseases that causing deaths. I strongly believe that, by replacing the junk food from the cafeteria, food education courses and physical education classes; is the best way to achieve our goal.

Theodoros Pavlou


  1. Hi not an english teacher but i think you may have some mistakes: in the first paragraph when you say ''As a result, becoming adults, children develop many diseases that causing deaths'' i dont think 'becoming adults'is correct but im not really sure what it should say but later it should be 'children develop many diseases that cause deaths'. In the second paragraph i think it should be: the only place 'where'students eat during school time is the cafeteria instead of 'that' and i think you mean 'stuff' not 'staff'; in the third paragraph when you say ''Students, because of the very young of their age, are not mature enough to know about healthy food and how important it is'' i think it should be 'students, because they are young, are not mature....'; in your last paragraph you make the same mistake as in the beginning when you say: ''causing deaths'' it should be 'cause deaths. Well i could be wrong so just check

  2. Hi Theo. What do you mean "replace junk food with healthy food". What kind of healthy food would you recommend?
    There are some grammatical errors.
